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Dear colleagues,
It is an honour to invite you to participate and attend the 2nd “Course on Clinical Cardiotocography and Fetal Monitoring” to be held in Thessaloniki on the 17th and 18th of January 2020 at Mediterranean Hotel in cooperation with the 2nd Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. It is organized on behalf of the Swedish Landsstingens Ömsesidiga Försäkringsbolag (Löf) by the “Course Directors” and the “Greek Scientific Committee”. The course is part of the holistic Swedish educational program on intrapartum cardiotocography and fetal monitoring during labour, consisting of two parts. One interactive theoretical part which is taking place online through the webplatform “ctgfetalmonitoring.gr” and one practical part which consists of the two-day course.
The Swedish educational program is considered to be one of the most efficient programs on clinical practice during labour in the world and Greece is the first country worldwide with the permission to educate Greek obstetricians, neonatologists and midwifes on its principles. Since 2017, an extended effort has begun regarding the homogenization of the existing guidelines on the use of cardiotocography during labour around the world according to the recommendations of the “International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics” (FIGO). Sweden is one of the leading countries on this effort and has one of the lowest rates of caesarean section worldwide.
That is why, after a great effort, we proudly present the 2nd “Course on Clinical Cardiotocography & Fetal Monitoring” to be held in Greece and we hope that the Greek obstetricians, neonatologists and midwifes will benefit the most from it.
With respect
The “Course Directors”
Ass. Professor Andreas Herbst
Consultant Grigorios Karampas
The Greek Scientific Committee
Professor Efthymios Deligeoroglou
Ass. Professor Konstantinos Panoulis
Ass. Professor Makarios Eleftheriades